
Astrology on Snapchat


Astrology on Snapchat

Feature Launch

As astrology encourages people to take time to reflect on themselves and their communities, we captured the honest and playful banter between Snap Star best friends Rickey and Denzel as they explore their own personalities and their friendships through the lens of Astrology on Snapchat.

My role as Sr. Designer was to lead the design direction for the campaign (based on the in-app experience look/feel) as well as assist with the creation of the campaign deliverables.


Hats Worn

Brand Design
Design Direction

Creative Team

Candice Drakeford
Morgan Sullivan



Hero Film


In-App Feature UX

We based the campaign look/feel off of how the feature is presented in-app.


Mass Snap




Tweets / Animations per Sign


YouTube Pre-Roll Videos


Snap Ads


UAC: Static Banners


UAC: Video Banners